Friday, December 10, 2010

5 Year Anniversary

Today is my 5 years of sobriety; all this week I have been meditating on what this means to me.  One thought runs through my head constantly, how lucky I am.  To have quit drinking alcohol 6 months before my 21st birthday, took courage, strength, and determination.  I consider myself lucky to have realized how something so simple as alcohol could bring such emptiness.  At such a young age I realized I rather live the rest of my life without it, and haven't looked back since.
Because I quit drinking I was able to...  See the "me" I wanted to be and make it a reality, live in New Zealand, have a career I love and care for deeply as a nanny, meet Mike, help others in their lives with words of wisdom learned from my journey, have confidence to venture outside my comfort zones, and most importantly live happy, healthy, and empowered.
Thank you to all who have helped me get to this point and support my choices in life.   I am lucky; to be surrounded by good people, to have found happiness within, to be thriving with life.  I challenge you to conquer your chaos.  

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